Aerial photo of Vatican City

When To Visit The Vatican: Times, Days, and Seasons

By Samantha Priestley | Planning

Headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church and home to many incredible works of art, not to mention being the official residence of the pope, the Vatican is one of the most visited attractions in Rome. Visitors arrive at the Vatican from all over the world and they come at all times of day and all times of the year, so it can be hard to visit the Vatican without the crowds.

Still, you might be wondering, when should I visit the Vatican? It varies, of course, but there are some times that are better to visit than others. There are times when the queues are shorter and the crowds thinner, when the experience will be that little bit more comfortable and the works of art easier to see.

Ready to plan your Vatican City visit? Here are the best times to visit the Vatican.

Best time of year to visit the Vatican

St Peter's Square, Vatican City

As you might expect, the summer months of June to August are the busiest in Rome and this is when you’ll see the longest queues and the biggest crowds at the Vatican. 

It’s also when Rome is at its hottest and standing in line to enter any attraction in the city is no fun when the sun’s beating down. The first time I visited was in August, and it was hot! It was also extremely busy, and the crowds coupled with the heat made it less than ideal. That said, if you’ll be in Rome in summer, I wouldn’t recommend skipping the Vatican, but if you can choose when to plan your trip, it’s better to avoid the peak season of summer.

The winter months are an attractive option. There are far less people visiting the Vatican in the winter, and as long as you avoid Christmastime when it does get busy again and you don’t mind the weather being colder, you’ll have a better chance of enjoying your visit in peace.

For a really quiet time, visit in February when it’s still chilly and not many people travel to Rome. You can get some good prices on accommodations, and though pavement seating might be limited at restaurants because of the weather, everything will still be open.

May is also a lovely month to visit Rome, and it’s a little quieter than the summer months, making it a great time for visiting the Vatican Gardens. The gardens look beautiful in May, as everything is lush and green and flowers are in bloom. It’s also the month dedicated to “Our Lady,” that is, the Virgin Mary, and on selected days through the month you can see May with Mary in the Vatican Gardens, when effigies of Mary from all over the world are placed along the nature trails for visitors to find. 

But perhaps the best months to visit the Vatican to avoid the crowds are either March and April or October. These shoulder months are when the fewest tourists arrive, but the weather is still pleasant enough for wandering around in fine conditions.

Recap: Shoulder seasons like March and April or October are the best times to visit the Vatican for both good weather and manageable crowds.

Best days of the week to visit the Vatican

Vatican City

The Vatican is open to visitors six days a week, every day except Sunday when it’s closed. The exception to this is the last Sunday of every month when visitors can enter for free between 9:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. 

Those free Sunday mornings do, of course, get very busy with lots of tourists hoping to take advantage of this great deal. If you happen to be there on one of these Sundays, it’s worth chancing your luck, but bear in mind it’s hard to beat the queues.

Saturdays are best avoided as this is when most visitors arrive, and Wednesdays get very busy as this is when the Pope makes his appearance in front of the crowds in St Peter’s Square. This leaves Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays as great days to visit. Monday and Tuesday are perhaps the quietest days, as the weekend rush has gone and there’s a lull in visitors before the busy Wednesday.

It’s not well advertised, but in May, June, July, September, and October, the Vatican offers after hours entry on Friday evenings. Often accompanied by music, food, and drink, these special evenings offer limited pre-booked tickets only, so you have to be well organized to get in, but it’s well worth it as it’s an intimate and atmospheric way to experience the artwork.

Recap: In general, the best days to visit are weekdays, avoiding Wednesdays.

Best time of day to visit the Vatican

Vatican City statues

While normally it’s best to arrive early in the morning to any major attraction in order to beat the crowds, things are a little different at the Vatican. 

As there are so many groups arriving every day, all eager to get there early and beat those crowds, in a quirky paradox, they create those very crowds they are hoping to beat. Lines start early and continue until lunchtime when they begin to taper off.

Since many people arrive for a morning visit and leave to get lunch at around 1 p.m., the afternoon tends to be quieter. The ticket windows close at 4 p.m., and most visitors don’t arrive around this time for fear of not getting in. So if you arrive at around 3 p.m., the lines will have gone down and you can get in before the ticket windows close. Of course, you don’t need to worry about this if you take a guided tour since your tickets are included.

The museums stay open until 6 p.m., so you’ll have plenty of time to wander around at your leisure and you won’t be jostling for positions to view the artworks.

But the best way to beat the crowds and see everything with all the information you need is to book a guided tour. That way you’ll avoid the queues for tickets and whatever time or day you arrive, you’re guaranteed to see all the stand-out attractions.

Summing up: When to visit Vatican City

Vatican City statues

If you’re starting to plan your Vatican visit, aim for the shoulder seasons of spring and fall when the weather in Rome isn’t too hot or cold. In general, crowds are lightest on weekday afternoons, excluding Wednesday, but this will vary from day to day and week to week.

Truth is, you’ll likely encounter some level of crowds at the Vatican. It’s one of the best attractions not just in Rome but in the entire world — but all the more reason you shouldn’t miss it, whatever day or time of year you’re able to go. 

You can see the Vatican with a local to lead the way on our budget-friendly guided tour, optimized for an afternoon weekday visit. Your guide will help you navigate the crowds and the countless galleries of the Vatican Museums so you see the best sights. 

Whenever you decide to visit, we can’t wait to welcome you to Rome!